Detect Credit Card Numbers using Luhn Algorithm



Detect if any log file in Splunk contains Credit Card numbers.

index=* ((source IN("*.log","*.bak","*.txt", "*.csv","/tmp*","/temp*","c:\tmp*")) OR (tag=web dest_content=*))
| eval comment="Match against the simple CC regex to narrow down the events in the lookup" 
| rex max_match=1 "[\"\s\'\,]{0,1}(?<CCMatch>[\d.\-\s]{11,24})[\"\s\'\,]{0,1}"
| where isnotnull(CCMatch) 
| eval comment="Apply the LUHN algorithm to see if the CC number extracted is valid" 
| eval cc=tonumber(replace(CCMatch,"[ -\.]",""))
| eval comment="Lower min to 11 to find additional CCs which may pick up POSIX timestamps as well."
| where len(cc)>=14 AND len(cc)<=16
| eval cc=printf("%024d", cc)
| eval ccd=split(cc,"") 
| foreach 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 [
| eval ccd_reverse=mvappend(ccd_reverse,mvindex(ccd,<<FIELD>>))
| rename ccd_reverse AS ccd
| eval cce=mvappend(mvindex(ccd,0),mvindex(ccd,2),mvindex(ccd,4),mvindex(ccd,6),mvindex(ccd,8),mvindex(ccd,10),mvindex(ccd,12),mvindex(ccd,14),mvindex(ccd,16),mvindex(ccd,18),mvindex(ccd,20),mvindex(ccd,22),mvindex(ccd,24)) 
| eval cco=mvappend(mvindex(ccd,1),mvindex(ccd,3),mvindex(ccd,5),mvindex(ccd,7),mvindex(ccd,9),mvindex(ccd,11),mvindex(ccd,13),mvindex(ccd,15),mvindex(ccd,17),mvindex(ccd,19),mvindex(ccd,21),mvindex(ccd,23)) 
| eval cco2=mvmap(cco,cco*2) 
| eval cco2HT10=mvfilter(cco2>9) 
| eval cco2LT10=mvfilter(cco2<=9) 
| eval cco2LH10dt=mvmap(cco2HT10,cco2HT10-9) 
| fillnull value=0 cco2LT10 cco2LH10dt 
| eventstats sum(cce) as t1 sum(cco2LT10) as t2 sum(cco2LH10dt) as t3 BY cc 
| eval totalChecker=t1+t2+t3 
| eval CCIsValid=if((totalChecker%10)=0,"true","false")
| fields - cc ccd cce cco cco2 cco2HT10 cco2LT10 cco2LH10dt t1 t2 t3 totalChecker raw time
| where CCIsValid="true"
| eval comment="Find the field where we found the CC number" 
| foreach _raw * 
| eval CCStringField=if("<<FIELD>>"!="CCMatch" AND like('<<FIELD>>',"%".CCMatch."%"),"<<FIELD>>",CCStringField)
| table _time CCMatch CCStringField source sourcetype host src dest http_user_agent
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