The following splunk query can be used to do as the title says. Risk scoring is done via color codes in the source information of the chart (see below for an example). The following query looks at the average CPU time for 30 minute chunks of time over a selected time range (ie: what was […]
Network Traffic Sent in Megabytes over Time
The following splunk query will show a timechart of network traffic sent over a period of time for any host specified (make sure you edit the query to specify a host, this one defaults to all). The query also converts the default value of Bytes to Megabytes. sourcetype=”Perfmon:Network Interface” (host=”*”) counter=”Bytes Sent/sec” | eval MB=(Value/1024/1024) […]
Network Traffic Received in Megabytes over Time
The following splunk query will show a timechart of network traffic received over a period of time for any host specified (make sure you edit the query to specify a host, this one defaults to all). The query also converts the default value of Bytes to Megabytes. sourcetype=”Perfmon:Network Interface” (host=”*”) counter=”Bytes Received/sec”| eval MB=(Value/1024/1024)| […]
Free Disk Space for each Drive Letter
The following Splunk query will return results for all hosts reporting in Perfmon data on available disk space per assigned drive letter (NOTE you must make the change to include free diskspace per partition in your inputs.conf file) Query: sourcetype=”Perfmon:Free Disk Space” counter=”Free Megabytes” (instance!=”HarddiskVolume*”) (instance!=_Total) |eval FreeSpace=(Value/1024)| eval GB=tostring(FreeSpace,”commas”) | table host instance GB […]