System Time Modifications in Windows

The following queries will return modifications to time in a windows environment. It ignores system and service accounts. Windows 2008 and newer: source=”WinEventLog:Security” EventCode=4616 (NOT Account_Name=”*$”) (NOT Account_Name=”LOCAL SERVICE”)| eval Date=strftime(_time, “%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S”)| eval oldtime = strptime(replace(Previous_Time, “\D”, “”), “%Y%m%d%H%M%S%9N”) | eval t=_time | rename t as “eventtime” |eval diff=round(((eventtime-oldtime)/60)/60,2) | where diff!=0| stats count […]

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List of Source Names and Frequency of Events

The following splunk query will output a list of all SourceNames in a windows environment and include a sparkline to indicate frequency: eventtype=”windows_events” sourcetype=”*EventLog:*” (host=”*” OR ComputerName=”*”) TaskCategory=”*” SourceName=”*” EventCode=”*” Type=”*” | stats sparkline as Activity, count by host | sort -count

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USB and Removable Media Detection

This splunk query will show information about USB mass storage device uses. You must be monitoring the registry using the Windows Technology Add-on (TA). sourcetype=WinRegistry key_path=”HKLM\\system\\controlset*\\enum\\usbstor\\*”  registry_type=CreateKey | eval Date=strftime(_time, “%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S”) | rex “key_path.*usbstor\S(?<DeviceType>.*)&ven\S(?<Vendor>.*)&prod\S(?<Product>\S*)&rev\S”   | stats  count by Date, host, Vendor, Product, DeviceType   | fields  – count   | sort  – Date

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Available Memory in a Windows box

This query will return results based on amount of available memory. I output it to a gauge, you’ll want to modify your gauge to show up red as it approaches zero. sourcetype=”Perfmon:Available Memory” | bucket _time span=1m | eval gigabytes=(((Value/1024)/1024)/1024) | eval GB=round(gigabytes, 2) | gauge GB Alternatively try this. Thanks to kharris! source=”Perfmon:Memory” counter=”Available […]

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Total Number of Hosts reporting in.

This query will list the total number of hosts reporting to the indexer for any specified time range. This only works for universal forwarders. If you have hosts reporting in over syslog (typically port 514) they will not be listed. index=_internal sourcetype=splunkd | stats dc(hostname) as “Number of Hosts”

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Detailed list of Universal Forwarders Reporting to Indexer

The following query will list in detail information on the universal forwarders checking into the indexer. I’ve renamed some of the fields to be more user-friendly. index=_internal sourcetype=splunkd destPort!=”-“| stats sparkline count by hostname, sourceHost, host, destPort, version | rename destPort as “Destination Port” | rename host as “Indexer” | rename sourceHost as “Universal Forwarder […]

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Windows Time Change

This query will list all users who initiated a time change. System accounts change time automatically, as such I’ve ignored system accounts from the query output. Windows 2008 and newer: sourcetype=WinEventLog:Security EventCode=4616 Account_Name!=”*$” Account_Name!=”LOCAL SERVICE”| stats count by Account_Name Windows 2003 and before: sourcetype=WinEventLog:Security user!=”*$” user!=”LOCAL SERVICE” EventCode=520 | stats count by user

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Time between rights granted and rights revoked

This query outputs a table that indicates the time difference between Rights granted and Rights revoked. Modify the maxspan time within the transaction function to meet your environments needs. Regex is used here, and is part of the query. Windows 2008 and newer: sourcetype=WinEventLog:Security (EventCode=4717 OR EventCode=4718) | rex “Access\sGranted:\s+Access\sRight:\s+(?\w+)”| rex “Access\sRemoved:\s+Access\sRight:\s+(?\w+)”| eval Rights=coalesce(RightGranted,RightRemoved) | […]

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Windows Power Off Duration

This query will indicate the time it took between a computer shutdown and a computer powering back on. Typically found in restarts and shutdowns. This would not occur during a hard-reset or loss of power. sourcetype=WinEventLog:System (EventCode=6005 OR EventCode=6006) | transaction host startswith=”EventCode=6006″ endswith=”EventCode=6005″ | eval restart_duration=tostring(duration,”duration”) | eval Date=strftime(_time, “%Y/%m/%d”)| where duration > 480 […]

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Console Lock Duration

The following code works only in windows 2008 and newer operating systems: sourcetype=WinEventLog:Security (EventCode=4800 OR EventCode=4801) | eval Date=strftime(_time, “%Y/%m/%d”) | transaction host Account_Name startswith=EventCode=4800 endswith=EventCode=4801 | eval duration = duration/60 | eval duration=round(duration,2)| table host, Account_Name, duration, Date |rename duration as “Console Lock Duration in Minutes” | sort – date

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