The following query gives a breakdown on traffic by clientip. I run this over all time so I can get detailed information on first visit versus latest visit as you can see below.
sourcetype=access_combined (referer_domain!="" AND referer_domain!="") | iplocation clientip | stats first(_time) as First_Visit latest(_time) as Last_Visit sum(eval(round(bytes/1024/1024,2))) as MB first(Country) as Country count as Views first(referer_domain) as Referer_Domain first(uri) as Landing_Page by clientip | eval diff_time_days=round((Last_Visit-First_Visit)/60/60/24, 6) | convert ctime(First_Visit) ctime(Last_Visit) | fields clientip Country First_Visit Last_Visit diff_time_days MB Views Referer_Domain Landing_Page | fillnull value="0"
This will return something like the following:
If you want to run this as a scheduled search, which I advise doing due to the lengthy historical search of all time you can add an outputlookup to the end and search against that for near instantaneous results:
sourcetype=access_combined (referer_domain!="" AND referer_domain!="") | iplocation clientip | stats first(_time) as First_Visit latest(_time) as Last_Visit sum(eval(round(bytes/1024/1024,2))) as MB first(Country) as Country count as Views first(referer_domain) as Referer_Domain first(uri) as Landing_Page by clientip | eval diff_time_days=round((Last_Visit-First_Visit)/60/60/24, 6) | convert ctime(First_Visit) ctime(Last_Visit) | fields clientip Country First_Visit Last_Visit diff_time_days MB Views Referer_Domain Landing_Page | fillnull value="0" | outputlookup historical_client_insight.csv
Once this search runs you can access this by running the following:
| inputlookup historical_client_insight.csv
Check out the difference in search run time. Barely more than a second versus more than 80 seconds! If you have a lot of users accessing this information you’ll want to do this as a scheduled search. Just be sure to change the permissions on the lookup file so intended users can access it.
Thank you for making me suddenly enlightened!
stats count as 访问次数 sum(bytes) as t1 first(Country) as 国家 by clientip | eval 流量=round(t1/1048576,2)
I suggest that the bytes be calculated separately, which is more accurate. Thank you again.