The following shows IoC for directory traversal, RFI and LFI within IIS logging: index=* sourcetype=”ms:iis:default”NOT (“cookie.js” OR “script.js”) AND (referer=”-” OR referer=””) AND (uri_query=”*passwd*” OR uri_query=”*cmd*” OR uri_query=”*%00*” OR uri_query=”*.txt*”)|table _time, clientip, status, uri_query
IIS: 404 errors
Get an overview of all 404 errors, an increase might be an IoC index=web_p sourcetype=”ms:iis:default” status=404 | timechart count
IIS: 401 and 403 errors
Get an overview of 401 and 403 errors, an increase might be an IoC. <code>index=* sourcetype=”ms:iis:default” sc_status=401 OR sc_status=403 |table _time, sc_status, sc_substatus, uri_path | timechart count by sc_status</code>
IIS: Indicators of XSS and SQLi attacks
The following query show IoC for XSS and SQLi. The complete query is wrapped up since this site is not accepting it. The query should also include “OR javascript”, followed by “:alert”. index=* sourcetype=”ms:iis:default” NOT (“cookie.js” OR “script.js” OR “cookie-min.js” OR “RESET-COOKIE” OR “form.user-info-from-cookie”) AND (“&#” OR “script>” OR “script%3E” OR “`” OR “cookie” OR alert\( […]
Top exploitable vulnerabilities (tenable)
To see the top of exploitable vulnarabilities from the Tenable Security Center: sourcetype=”tenable:sc:vuln” exploitAvailable=”yes” | chart count over pluginName by riskFactor
Overall CVSS score (tenable)
Tenable uses the CVSS scoring method for detected vulnerabilities. To have an overall CVSS, use the following query: sourcetype=”tenable:sc:vuln” ip=* |stats mean(baseScore) as base | eval base = round(base,2)
Current Vulnerability Summary by Severity (tenable)
Having Tenable Security Center connected via the splunk plugin, this search gives an overview of all vulnerabilties, summarized by severity. sourcetype=”tenable:sc:vuln”* | chart count over by ip Add the following to your dashboard source to add consistent colors to the pie chart: <option name=”charting.fieldColors”>{“Critical”:0x800000,”High”:0xFF0000,”Medium”:0xFFA500,”Low”:0x008000,”Info”:0x0000FF}</option>
Potential Suspicious Activity in Windows
The following Splunk search should be ran over a long period of time (at least it worked best that way in my environment). This query will show potentially suspicious activity based on processes within a Windows environment. It could also indicate a sanctioned security scan (so don’t run out there and start pointing fingers based […]
Monitor File Shares being Accessed in Windows
This splunk search will show file shares being accessed within windows environments. sourcetype=”WinEventLog:Security” EventCode=5140 (Share_Name=”*\\C$” OR Share_Name=”*D$” OR Share_Name=”*E$” OR Share_Name=”*F$” OR Share_Name=”*U$”) NOT Source_Address=”::1″ | eval Destination_Sys1=trim(host,”1″) | eval Destination_Sys2=trim(host,”2″) | eval Dest_Sys1=lower(Destination_Sys1) | eval Dest_Sys2=lower(Destination_Sys2) | rename host AS Destination | rename Account_Domain AS Domain | where Account_Name!=Dest_Sys1 | where Account_Name!=Dest_Sys2 | stats […]
Malware Detection
I’m reposting this query I stumbled upon in a blog here. The description states that it can be used to detect malware reporting out to the web. Check out the article it’s a decent read. | convert mktime(_time) as epoch | sort 0 uri_host,client_ip,epoch | delta epoch as epoch_delta | search epoch_delta>0 epoch_delta<30 | chart […]
RFQ (Request For Query) – Port Scan
I am looking for the query[timechartl] for example 50 port scan attempts with in a second against list of organization public facing IP address.
Count of Attackers on Juniper Devices
The following is a Splunk search query that indicates potential “attacks” by source IP. Further investigation will be needed to determine accuracy of attacks. sourcetype = “juniper:idp” attack* | stats count by src_ip Credit given to bbosearch.
Failed Attempt to Login to a Disabled Account
This Splunk Search Query will indicate any user who attempted to login to a disabled account. (Tested only on Windows 7 / Server 2008 and newer Windows logs). source=”WinEventLog:security” EventCode=4625 (Sub_Status=”0xc0000072″ OR Sub_Status=”0xC0000072″) Security_ID!=”NULL SID” Account_Name!=”*$” | eval Date=strftime(_time, “%Y/%m/%d”)| rex “Which\sLogon\sFailed:\s+\S+\s\S+\s+\S+\s+Account\sName:\s+(?<facct>\S+)” | eval Date=strftime(_time, “%Y/%m/%d”) | stats count by Date, facct, host, Keywords | […]
Qualys Hosts not Scanned in 30 days+
The following Splunk Search (query) is for Qualys and will show hosts that have not been scanned in 30 days or more. This query assumes that your index is defined as qualys. index=qualys HOSTVULN earliest=-30d@d STATUS=”RE-OPENED” | dedup HOST_ID, QID sortby +_time | join HOST_ID [ search index=qualys HOSTSUMMARY OS=”Windows*” NOT “Windows Server*” | where […]
Qualys 30 Day trending of Re-Opened Vulnerabilities
The following Splunk Search (query) is for Qualys and will show a trending over 30 days for re-opened vulnerabilities. This query assumes that your index is defined as qualys. index=qualys HOSTVULN earliest=-30d@d STATUS=”RE-OPENED” | dedup HOST_ID, QID sortby +_time | join HOST_ID [ search index=qualys HOSTSUMMARY OS=”Windows*” NOT “Windows Server*” | where cidrmatch(“”, IP) ] […]
Qualys Top 10 Vulnerabilities by Severity
The following Splunk Search (query) is for Qualys and will show the top 10 vulnerabilities by severity as well as a Count of Devices. sourcetype=qualys_vm_detection HOSTVULN SEVERITY=3 OR 4 OR 5 TYPE=”CONFIRMED” earliest=-30d@d| dedup HOST_ID, QID | search STATUS!=”FIXED” | join QID [ search sourcetype=qualys_knowledgebase PATCHABLE=1 ] | eval Published=strftime(strptime(PUBLISHED_DATETIME, “%Y-%m-%d”), “%m/%d/%Y”) | join HOST_ID […]
Qualys Active OS Vuln Count
The following Splunk Search (query) is for Qualys and will show vulnerability count for Windows Hosts. This query assumes that your index is defined as qualys. index=qualys HOSTVULN SEVERITY=3 OR 4 OR 5 TYPE=”CONFIRMED” earliest=-30d@d | dedup HOST_ID, QID | search STATUS!=”FIXED” | join QID [ search index=qualys QID_INFO PATCHABLE=1] | join HOST_ID [ search […]
Successful Linux Logons by Username
As stated in the title, this Splunk search query will return a list of all successful logons by user name on linux hosts. The regex is provided in the event the field is not extracted: sourcetype=linux_secure |rex “\w{3}\s\d{1,2}\s\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}\s\S+\s(?<session>gdm-\w+)\S:\s”| search session=gdm-password | rex “\w{3}\s\d{1,2}\s\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}\s(?<hostname>\S+)\s.+\Sgdm-password:auth\S:\s(?<authstatus>\w+\s\w+);\s.+user=(?<username>\S+)” | search authstatus=”authentication success” | stats count by username
List of Failed Login Attempts in Linux
This Splunk search will show a count of all user accounts and a number of times they have attempted to logon. The REGEX is written into the query, remove it if you are already extracting those field names: sourcetype=linux_secure | rex “\w{3}\s\d{1,2}\s\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}\s\S+\s(?gdm-\w+)\S:\s” | search session=gdm-password | rex “\w{3}\s\d{1,2}\s\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}\s(?\S+)\s.+\Sgdm-password:auth\S:\s(?\w+\s\w+);\s.+user=(?\S+)” | search authstatus=”authentication failure” | stats count […]
Failed Versus Successful Logon Attempts
This Splunk search query example will return results indicating failed vs successful login attempts in a Windows environment: source=”WinEventLog:security” (Logon_Type=2 OR Logon_Type=7 OR Logon_Type=10) (EventCode=528 OR EventCode=540 OR EventCode=4624 OR EventCode=4625 OR EventCode=529 OR EventCode=530 OR EventCode=531 OR EventCode=532 OR EventCode=533 OR EventCode=534 OR EventCode=535 OR EventCode=536 OR EventCode=537 OR EventCode=539) | eval status=case(EventCode=528, “Successful […]