This search counts the amount of times the UF’s throughput limit is hit. I also threw in a sparkline: index=_internal sourcetype=splunkd “current data throughput” | rex “Current data throughput \((?<kb>\S+)” | eval rate=case(kb < 500, “256”, kb > 499 AND kb < 520, “512”, kb > 520 AND kb < 770 ,”768″, kb>771 AND kb<1210, […]
Count of Host added to Splunk by Month
Can we get a Splunk Query that list of hosts added to Splunk in a month. Like Month 1 : 200 devices added Month 2: 400 devices added You would do this: host=* | stats dc(host) as host by date_month (Edits Made and query provided by the GoSplunk Ninja)