The following Splunk search will show a list of sourcetypes (or perhaps sources I need to confirm) being sent by each Forwarder: index=”_internal” |where host!=splunk_server | stats values(series) as Sourcetypes by host
Detailed list of Errors Per Host
The following Splunk search will return a detailed list (by message) of errors associated with hosts running a universal forwarder: index=_internal sourcetype=”splunkd” log_level=”ERROR” | stats sparkline count dc(host) as uniqhosts last(message) as message last(_time) as last first(_time) as first by punct | convert ctime(last) ctime(first) | table message count uniqhosts sparkline first last | sort […]
Failed Attempts to Logon to Splunk Web
The following Splunk Search Query will return all users who have failed to logon to the Splunk Web console. This query will also include an average (from eventstats). index=_audit action=”login attempt” info=failed | timechart count(user) as Failed_Attempts| eventstats avg(Failed_Attempts) as Average
Detailed list of Universal Forwarders Reporting to Indexer
The following query will list in detail information on the universal forwarders checking into the indexer. I’ve renamed some of the fields to be more user-friendly. index=_internal sourcetype=splunkd destPort!=”-“| stats sparkline count by hostname, sourceHost, host, destPort, version | rename destPort as “Destination Port” | rename host as “Indexer” | rename sourceHost as “Universal Forwarder […]