REST Call for a list of Lookup Files REST ItsJohnLocke 2 Comments Vote Up +9 Vote Down -1You already voted! Use this splunk search to get a list of all lookup files: | rest /services/data/transforms/lookups | table eai:appName filename title fields_list updated id Share This: Tagged: _internallookuplookupsRESTtroubleshoot
Justin July 24, 2020 at 12:11 pm This will show a list of defined lookups. If you want the complete list of files, use this endpoint: “`| rest /services/data/lookup-table-files“` Reply
Clemente Barbuto May 16, 2022 at 8:21 pm Hi my name is Clemente Barbuto I need your address and fund bank account BSB and Account number details for my Employer Thank you Reply
This will show a list of defined lookups. If you want the complete list of files, use this endpoint:
“`| rest /services/data/lookup-table-files“`
Hi my name is Clemente Barbuto
I need your address and fund bank account BSB and Account number details for my Employer
Thank you