8 years, 3 months ago
kharris posted a new activity comment
In reply to: kharris posted an update @hagjos43 How can you convert the available memory into a percentage, like we see it in task manager, 50% used 50% free ? Viewit is giving me the results in Gbs , below is an example of the results. If splunk would give me the max memory of each server, I could use the results below, but since it does not, I rather see the results in percentages if possible.
Host Trend Average Peak Current Last Updated
myHost TrendGraph 0.31 0.32 0.30…[
8 years, 5 months ago
kharris posted a new activity comment
In reply to: kharris posted an update @hagjos43 How can you convert the available memory into a percentage, like we see it in task manager, 50% used 50% free ? Viewthis is what I currently have
index=platform sourcetype=”Perfmon:Memory” counter=”Available Mbytes”| bucket _time span=1m | chart sparkline(avg(Value)) as Trend avg(Value) as Average, max(Value) as Peak, latest(Value) as Current, latest(_time) as “Last Updated” by Host | convert ctime(“Last Updated”) | sort – Average) |eval…[Read more]
8 years, 5 months ago
kharris posted an update
@hagjos43 How can you convert the available memory into a percentage, like we see it in task manager, 50% used 50% free ?
this is what I currently have
index=platform sourcetype=”Perfmon:Memory” counter=”Available Mbytes”| bucket _time span=1m | chart sparkline(avg(Value)) as Trend avg(Value) as Average, max(Value) as Peak, latest(Value) as Current, latest(_time) as “Last Updated” by Host | convert ctime(“Last Updated”) | sort – Average) |eval…[Read more]
Are you getting the output without the percent? Essentially the number but juts looking for the % sign? From the looks of the query that is what I’m seeing (without running it lol)
it is giving me the results in Gbs , below is an example of the results. If splunk would give me the max memory of each server, I could use the results below, but since it does not, I rather see the results in percentages if possible.
Host Trend Average Peak Current Last Updated
myHost TrendGraph 0.31 0.32 0.30…[Read more]
8 years, 5 months ago
kharris wrote a new post
host=”*” sourcetype=iis (insertIISurl) | eval time_taken = time_taken/1000 | stats max(time_taken) AS “Highest Response Time”
host=”*” sourcetype=iis (insertIISurl) | eval time_taken = time_taken/1000 | stat […] -
9 years ago
kharris commented on the post, Available Memory in a Windows box
In reply to: SplunkNinja wrote a new post This query will return results based on amount of available memory. I output it to a gauge, you’ll want to modify your gauge to show up red as it approaches […] ViewYou are the man, I have tried this for a few months and could not get it to give me the correct available memory. For some reason my memory counter is already in MB, so i changed part of it to work for me, thank you again :) !
source=”Perfmon:Memory” counter=”Available Mbytes” | bucket _time span=1m | eval gigabytes=(Value/1024) | eval…[Read more]
9 years, 1 month ago
kharris commented on the post, Simple GeoIP Information for Web Traffic
In reply to: ItsJohnLocke wrote a new post This simple query will show if IIS traffic came to a given site from three geographical possibilities: “United States” “International” or “Unknown” sources. This relies entirely on […] Viewall of mine show as unknown location, can you help me figure out what I am doing wrong ? I have around 5k iis web servers.
9 years, 9 months ago
kharris wrote a new post
This will hit all of the host and pull back the eventlogs and group them by Message.
You can change the source to what ever windows eventlogs you […]
9 years, 10 months ago
kharris changed their profile picture
9 years, 10 months ago
kharris became a registered member
Are you getting the output without the percent? Essentially the number but juts looking for the % sign? From the looks of the query that is what I’m seeing (without running it lol)
it is giving me the results in Gbs , below is an example of the results. If splunk would give me the max memory of each server, I could use the results below, but since it does not, I rather see the results in percentages if possible.
Host Trend Average Peak Current Last Updated
myHost TrendGraph 0.31 0.32 0.30…[Read more]