Here is a fun query that you may have seen as an Easter egg in an app. I stumbled on this while cleaning up old saved searches. If you know the app comment below!
FYI make sure you run this in real time otherwise you won’t see the fun part :)
index=_* OR index=* | head 1 | eval fish="><((*>" | eval fishies=mvappend(fish,fish) | eval fishies=mvappend(fishies,fishies) | eval fishies=mvappend(fishies,fishies) | eval fishies=mvappend(fishies,fishies) | eval spawnify=fishies | mvexpand spawnify | eval fishies=mvjoin(fishies," ") | streamstats count as offset | eval offset=(offset*3) % 7 | addinfo | eval make_swim=round(info_max_time-info_search_time) | eval fishies=substr(fishies,(10*16)-(make_swim-offset+10),100+offset) | fields fishies | streamstats count | eval fishies=if(count==16,"FATAL ERROR: you have unleashed an army of fish.",fishies) | fields fishies | rename fishies as _raw | fields - _time | eval _raw=substr(_raw,0,100)