Reflected DDoS Attack

(in reflected attacks a lotof external benign src’s send a lotof packets toward our servers, because our server’s IP spoofed before in request packets and were sent by attacker toward trusted servers and those trusted servers replied us instead of attacker !  ) index=firewall dest=(your company IP range, for example: (transport=”udp” AND src_port IN(123,1900,0,53,5353,27015,19,20800,161,389,111,137,27005,520,6881,751,11211,1434,27960,17) AND […]

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1st time connection between servers (FTD CISCO)

Description: This query helps you to see all new connections between servers. Still work in progress and can be extended further. “White-listing” happens through the lookup files. Query: index=nfw “Allow” | rex (?:SrcIP.*\b(?<SrcIP>\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+).*DstIP.*\b(?<DstIP>\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+)) | stats count min(_time) AS earliest max(_time) AS maxtime BY SrcIP, DstIP | where earliest>relative_time(now(), “-1d@d”) AND count<=1 | search DstIP= AND […]

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Updated Netflow Activity dashboard

Description: I decided to revisit my Netflow Activity dashboard and make some much-needed improvements. While using this dashboard, I found that only half of the story was being presented by displaying download activity. With the changes I made during this video, this dashboard now allows me to see upload activity across the different devices in […]

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Groundspeed Violation/Improbable Access

Oftentimes we are required to determine impossible or improbably access events. Typically, this is a relatively simple thing to do in a modern SIEM, however Splunk, without ESS, does not have a “great” way to handle this type of temporal correlation aside from appends or joins back to the original data. I constructed the following […]

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Investigate by MAC, IP all VPN authentications through CISCO_ISE

Helps to investigate authentications through CISCO_ISE device. This identifies who logs in, the MAC address and IP for any use cases index=<your cisco index> “<your IP>” |rex field=”cisco_av_pair” “mdm-tlv=device-mac=(?<MAC_ID>\w+-\w+-\w+-\w+-\w+-\w+)” |rex field=”cisco_av_pair” “mdm-tlv=device-platform=(?<OS>\w+)” |rex field=_raw “(?<IP><IP regex>)” |iplocation IP |stats c sum(Acct_Input_Packets) as Packets_In sum(Acct_Output_Packets) as Packets_Out by _time User_Name Framed_Protocol src_mac City Country Region IP […]

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Investigate an IP through Palo Alto Logs

index= <your palo alto index> <IP you want to investigate> |stats c sum(bytes) as Bytes_Out by _time user application action dest_ip dest_location src_ip client_ip client_location session_end_reason “app:able_to_transfer_file” “app:has_known_vulnerability” “app:prone_to_misuse” “app:used_by_malware” “app:evasive” |fields + _time user application action dest_ip dest_location client_ip client_location Bytes_Out session_end_reason “app:able_to_transfer_file” “app:has_known_vulnerability” “app:prone_to_misuse” “app:used_by_malware” “app:evasive” |rename client_ip as SourceIP |fields – user […]

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