Show cron frequency and scheduling of all scheduled searches

This search shows you all scheduled searches and their respective cron frequency and cron schedule. This also helps finding frequently running saved searches.

| rest splunk_server=local "/servicesNS/-/-/saved/searches/" search="is_scheduled=1" search="disabled=0" 
| fields title, cron_schedule,
| rename title as savedsearch_name 
| eval pieces=split(cron_schedule, " ") 
| eval c_min=mvindex(pieces, 0), c_h=mvindex(pieces, 1), c_d=mvindex(pieces, 2), c_mday=mvindex(pieces, 3), c_wday=mvindex(pieces, 4) 
| eval c_min_div=if(match(c_min, "/"), replace(c_min, "^.*/(\d+)$", "\1"), null()) 
| eval c_mins=if(match(c_min, ","), split(c_min, ","), null()) 
| eval c_min_div=if(isnotnull(c_mins), abs(tonumber(mvindex(c_mins, 1)) - tonumber(mvindex(c_mins, 0))), c_min_div) 
| eval c_hs=if(match(c_h, ","), split(c_h, ","), null()) 
| eval c_h_div=case(match(c_h, "/"), replace(c_h, "^.*/(\d+)$", "\1"), isnotnull(c_hs), abs(tonumber(mvindex(c_hs, 1)) - tonumber(mvindex(c_hs, 0))), 1=1, null()) 
| eval c_wdays=if(match(c_wday, ","), split(c_wday, ","), null()) 
| eval c_wday_div=case(match(c_wday, "/"), replace(c_wday, "^.*/(\d+)$", "\1"), isnotnull(c_wdays), abs(tonumber(mvindex(c_wdays, 1)) - tonumber(mvindex(c_wdays, 0))), 1=1, null()) 
| eval i_m=case(c_d < 29, 86400 * 28, c_d = 31, 86400 * 31, 1=1, null()) 
| eval i_h=case(isnotnull(c_h_div), c_h_div * 3600, c_h = "*", null(), match(c_h, "^\d+$"), 86400) 
| eval i_min=case(isnotnull(c_min_div), c_min_div * 60, c_min = "*", 60, match(c_min, "^\d+$"), 3600) 
| eval i_wk=case(isnotnull(c_wday_div), c_wday_div * 86400, c_wday = "*", null(), match(c_wday, "^\d+$"), 604800) 
| eval cron_minimum_freq=case(isnotnull(i_m), i_m, isnotnull(i_wk) AND isnotnull(c_min_div), i_min, isnotnull(i_wk) AND isnull(c_min_div), i_wk, isnotnull(i_h), i_h, 1=1, min(i_min)) 
| fields - c_d c_h c_hs c_h_div c_mday c_min c_min_div c_mins c_wday c_wdays c_wday_div pieces i_m i_min i_h i_wk 
| fields savedsearch_name cron_minimum_freq cron_schedule
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  1. Gordo

    There’s a really GREAT app called “Proper Alerts” on splunkbase that does this and more. Helped me to balance out all of the alerts/reports running on my search heads so that I could spread out the scheduling. Plus it looks at how well formed the alerts/reports are too.

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