The following is a Splunk query that will display a timechart for all successful logons to windows:
source="WinEventLog:security" EventCode=4624 Logon_Type IN (2,7,10,11) NOT user IN ("DWM-*", "UMFD-*") | timechart span=1h count by host
Here’s a detailed table showing similar information with greater detail:
source="WinEventLog:security" EventCode=4624 Logon_Type IN (2,7,10,11) NOT user IN ("DWM-*", "UMFD-*") | eval Workstation_Name=lower(Workstation_Name) | eval host=lower(host) | eval hammer=_time | bucket span=12h hammer | stats values(Logon_Type) as "Logon Type" count sparkline by user host, hammer, Workstation_Name | rename hammer as "12 hour blocks" host as "Target Host" Workstation_Name as "Source Host" | convert ctime("12 hour blocks") | sort - "12 hour blocks"