Description: This dashboard is intended make it easier to search the results from Nessus Security Center. It doesn’t require any additional addons. <form> <label>Nessus Scan Results</label> <fieldset submitButton=”true” autoRun=”false”> <input type=”checkbox” token=”t_severity”> <label>Severity</label> <choice value=”Critical”>Critical</choice> <choice value=”High”>High</choice> <choice value=”Medium”>Medium</choice> <choice value=”Low”>Low</choice> <prefix>(</prefix> <suffix>)</suffix> <initialValue>Critical,High,Medium,Low</initialValue> <valuePrefix></valuePrefix> <delimiter> OR </delimiter> </input> <input type=”multiselect” token=”t_scan_name”> <label>Scan Name</label> <choice […]
Top exploitable vulnerabilities (tenable)
To see the top of exploitable vulnarabilities from the Tenable Security Center: sourcetype=”tenable:sc:vuln” exploitAvailable=”yes” | chart count over pluginName by riskFactor
Overall CVSS score (tenable)
Tenable uses the CVSS scoring method for detected vulnerabilities. To have an overall CVSS, use the following query: sourcetype=”tenable:sc:vuln” ip=* |stats mean(baseScore) as base | eval base = round(base,2)
Current Vulnerability Summary by Severity (tenable)
Having Tenable Security Center connected via the splunk plugin, this search gives an overview of all vulnerabilties, summarized by severity. sourcetype=”tenable:sc:vuln”* | chart count over by ip Add the following to your dashboard source to add consistent colors to the pie chart: <option name=”charting.fieldColors”>{“Critical”:0x800000,”High”:0xFF0000,”Medium”:0xFFA500,”Low”:0x008000,”Info”:0x0000FF}</option>