8 months, 1 week ago
unknow787 commented on the post, Auditd hosts in all environments
In reply to: manderso wrote a new post Shows the login activity to our linux environments, sudo commands per host and users. Admin Notes: index=main was changed to index=* due to not everyone using the same index. This […] ViewHow can I achieve this with no XML file? I have sourcetype and index but no XML file. I can’t us any Add on or ingest files. I have to use the sourctype and the index they provided to me that live in Splunk already. I am able to get visual, but no data is populating. Any help would be greatly appreciated
8 months, 1 week ago
unknow787 commented on the post, exploremydata – data explorer
In reply to: AzJimbo wrote a new post exploremydata – data explorer This dashboard provides and overview of the data that is available to query. Click on the index below to review source types in that index, and then a […] ViewHow can you do this without the CVS?
8 months, 3 weeks ago
unknow787 became a registered member
8 months, 3 weeks ago
unknow787 became a registered member