The following shows IoC for directory traversal, RFI and LFI within IIS logging: index=* sourcetype=”ms:iis:default”NOT (“cookie.js” OR “script.js”) AND (referer=”-” OR referer=””) AND (uri_query=”*passwd*” OR uri_query=”*cmd*” OR uri_query=”*%00*” OR uri_query=”*.txt*”)|table _time, clientip, status, uri_query
IIS: 404 errors
Get an overview of all 404 errors, an increase might be an IoC index=web_p sourcetype=”ms:iis:default” status=404 | timechart count
IIS: 401 and 403 errors
Get an overview of 401 and 403 errors, an increase might be an IoC. <code>index=* sourcetype=”ms:iis:default” sc_status=401 OR sc_status=403 |table _time, sc_status, sc_substatus, uri_path | timechart count by sc_status</code>
IIS: Indicators of XSS and SQLi attacks
The following query show IoC for XSS and SQLi. The complete query is wrapped up since this site is not accepting it. The query should also include “OR javascript”, followed by “:alert”. index=* sourcetype=”ms:iis:default” NOT (“cookie.js” OR “script.js” OR “cookie-min.js” OR “RESET-COOKIE” OR “form.user-info-from-cookie”) AND (“&#” OR “script>” OR “script%3E” OR “`” OR “cookie” OR alert\( […]
Extract DNS Queries from netscaler syslog
To extract the DNS logging from netscaler:syslog you need the following regex: ^\s+(?P<date>[^:]+):(?P<time>[^ ]+)(?:[^:\n]*:){3}(?P<source_ip>[^#]+)(?:[^/\n]*/){8}\d+#(?P<dns>(?#)[_a-zA-Z0-9.-]+)(\.\/) You can now put it in the query and get an overview of all DNS queries. index=network_netscaler sourcetype=”citrix:netscaler:syslog” DNS | regex “^\s+(?P<date>[^:]+):(?P<time>[^ ]+)(?:[^:\n]*:){3}(?P<source_ip>[^#]+)(?:[^/\n]*/){8}\d+#(?P<dns>(?#)[_a-zA-Z0-9.-]+)(\.\/)” | table time, date, source_ip, dns
Overview of all medium to critical risks for Win20xx
Get an overview of all medium to critical risks for Windows 2008 / 2012: Windows 2008: sourcetype=”tenable:sc:vuln” cpe:/o:microsoft:windows_server_2008 | table ip, netbiosName, dnsName,, pluginName, solution, description | join ip type=inner max=0 [ search index=main sourcetype=”tenable:sc:vuln” baseScore>3 | table ip, netbiosName, dnsName,, pluginName, solution, description ] | sort by | chart count by […]
Overview SMB Shares with unprivileged access (tenable)
This search will give an overview of all SMB shares with unprivilged access. sourcetype=”tenable:sc:vuln” pluginID=42411 | table ip dnsName pluginText | rename “pluginText” as “Shares enabled” | rename “dnsName” as “DNS Name” | rename “ip” as “IP address”
SSL certificates about to expire
The query below will give an overview of all certificates about to expire (within 60 days) sourcetype=”tenable:sc:vuln” synopsis=”The SSL certificate associated with the remote service will expire soon.” | dedup ip | lookup dnslookup clientip as ip | chart count by ip,clienthost
SSL Certificates expired
The query below will give an overview of all hosts running expired certificates: sourcetype=”tenable:sc:vuln” synopsis=”The remote server’s SSL certificate has already expired.” | dedup ip | chart count by ip
Top 10 most vulnerable systems (Tenable)
Get an overview of the 10 most vulnerable systems in your network sourcetype=”tenable:sc:vuln” baseScore > 3 | dedup cve ip | stats count by ip, riskFactor | sort 10-count | lookup dnslookup clientip as ip | chart sum(count) by clienthost
Top exploitable vulnerabilities (tenable)
To see the top of exploitable vulnarabilities from the Tenable Security Center: sourcetype=”tenable:sc:vuln” exploitAvailable=”yes” | chart count over pluginName by riskFactor
Overall CVSS score (tenable)
Tenable uses the CVSS scoring method for detected vulnerabilities. To have an overall CVSS, use the following query: sourcetype=”tenable:sc:vuln” ip=* |stats mean(baseScore) as base | eval base = round(base,2)
Current Vulnerability Summary by Severity (tenable)
Having Tenable Security Center connected via the splunk plugin, this search gives an overview of all vulnerabilties, summarized by severity. sourcetype=”tenable:sc:vuln”* | chart count over by ip Add the following to your dashboard source to add consistent colors to the pie chart: <option name=”charting.fieldColors”>{“Critical”:0x800000,”High”:0xFF0000,”Medium”:0xFFA500,”Low”:0x008000,”Info”:0x0000FF}</option>