List All Splunk Users & Associated Roles

The following Splunk query will show a table of all users and their roles: | rest /services/authentication/users | stats values(roles) as Roles by user *Admin Notes* I’ve found the following query to work better in my environment: | rest /services/authentication/users | stats values(roles) as Roles by title

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Dashboard and App views by user

This Splunk query / search shows historical access to dashboards and apps on a local splunk server. index=_internal sourcetype=splunk_web_access host=* user=* | rex field=uri_path “.*/(?<title>[^/]*)$” | join title [| rest /servicesNS/-/-/data/ui/views splunk_server=* | search isDashboard=1 isVisible=1 | rename as app | fields title app ] | rename title as dashboard | stats count by […]

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Time Offset on Splunk Servers

This Splunk Query shows if there is a time offset on your Splunk servers. I borrowed and modified this one from the splunk clock skew search posted on (another pretty awesome site like this one!).  My version strips the unnecessary and renames some fields, but feel free to do what you want with it: […]

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Monitor for Service Changes in Windows

The following splunk search looks for changes in services within Windows.   sourcetype=”WinEventLog:System” EventCode=7045 NOT (Service_Name=mgmt_service) | eval Message=split(Message,”.”) | eval Short_Message=mvindex(Message,0) | table _time host Service_Name, Service_Type, Service_Start_Type, Service_Account, Short_Message  

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Monitor File Shares being Accessed in Windows

This splunk search will show file shares being accessed within windows environments. sourcetype=”WinEventLog:Security” EventCode=5140 (Share_Name=”*\\C$” OR Share_Name=”*D$” OR Share_Name=”*E$” OR Share_Name=”*F$” OR Share_Name=”*U$”) NOT Source_Address=”::1″ | eval Destination_Sys1=trim(host,”1″) | eval Destination_Sys2=trim(host,”2″) | eval Dest_Sys1=lower(Destination_Sys1) | eval Dest_Sys2=lower(Destination_Sys2) | rename host AS Destination | rename Account_Domain AS Domain | where Account_Name!=Dest_Sys1 | where Account_Name!=Dest_Sys2 | stats […]

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