This search creates a table to list all Universal Forwarders. There is also an eval in there that classifies hosts based on their average Kbps. You can modify this as needed.
index=_internal source=*metrics.log group=tcpin_connections splunk_server=* | eval host=if(isnull(hostname), sourceHost,hostname) | search (host=*) AND (host!="(ALL)") | eval connectionType=case(fwdType=="uf","univ fwder", fwdType=="lwf", "lightwt fwder",fwdType=="full", "heavy fwder", connectionType=="cooked" or connectionType=="cookedSSL","Splunk fwder", connectionType=="raw" or connectionType=="rawSSL","legacy fwder") | eval Ver=if(isnull(version),"pre 4.2",version) | fields connectionType sourceIp host kb tcp_eps tcp_KBps splunk_server Ver | stats min(_time) as first_time, max(_time) as last_time, max(tcp_KBps) as max_tcp_KBps, avg(tcp_KBps) as avg_tcp_KBps, avg(tcp_eps) as avg_tcp_eps, sum(kb) as sum_kb by connectionType sourceIp host Ver | dedup host | eval sum_mb = round(sum_kb/1024,0) | fields - sum_kb | eval avg_tcp_KBps = round(avg_tcp_KBps,0) | eval max_tcp_KBps = round(max_tcp_KBps,0) | eval class=case( avg_tcp_KBps>0 AND avg_tcp_KBps<=128, "Standard Hosts", avg_tcp_KBps>128 AND avg_tcp_KBps<=256, "Better Hosts", avg_tcp_KBps>256, "Special Hosts") | convert ctime(*time) | rename first_time as "First seen", last_time as "Last seen", avg_tcp_KBps as "AVG KB/s", avg_tcp_eps as "AVG Events/s per 30 seconds", sum_mb as "Total MB", max_tcp_KBps as "Peak Kbps" connectionType AS "Forwarder Type" sourceIp as "Source IP" host AS "Host" Ver As "Splunk Version" | sort - "Peak Kbps"
A handy query!
What would we need to change to have hostnames along the bottom axis, rather than forwarder type?
Woops – Got it!
| stats min(_time) as first_time, max(_time) as last_time, max(tcp_KBps) as max_tcp_KBps, avg(tcp_KBps) as avg_tcp_KBps, avg(tcp_eps) as avg_tcp_eps, sum(kb) as sum_kb by connectionType sourceIp host Ver
| stats min(_time) as first_time, max(_time) as last_time, max(tcp_KBps) as max_tcp_KBps, avg(tcp_KBps) as avg_tcp_KBps, avg(tcp_eps) as avg_tcp_eps, sum(kb) as sum_kb by host sourceIp Ver