Dashboard: Splunk Insights – Users & Roles

Quick glance into who’s who in the zoo for users, capabilities, roles, and what indexes are searchable. Also calls out users with can_delete capabilities. Mileage may vary, please comment if there are any issues! <dashboard version=”1.1″> <label>Splunk Insights – Users and Roles</label> <row> <panel> <title>Number of Roles</title> <single> <title>Click to Expand</title> <search> <query>| rest splunk_server=local […]

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check expected splunk version with reality

simply query to compare an expected splunk version with reality. simply adjust “expected_version” to your expected version: | rest splunk_server=* /services/server/status/resource-usage/hostwide | table splunk_server splunk_version| eval expected_version=”8.1.5″| eval match_expectation=if(splunk_version == expected_version, “Yes – ” . expected_version . ” detected”, “!! No !! (expected: ” . expected_version . ” but found: ” . splunk_version . “)”)| […]

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Get Fields Defined for Multiple KVStore Collections

Description: This query gets all collection titles in your instance, then runs a map function on them to get their fields from a single query. The reason this is necessary is because the API returns collection fields as columns, not values, and if you just table all fields for multiple collections, you’ll end up with […]

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Searching Your Searches

Below is the raw XML of a dashboard we wrote about on our blog a couple of months ago. Click here to read that blog, or copy/paste this XML in your Splunk instance! <form theme=”dark”> <label>Searching for Searches</label> <fieldset submitButton=”true”> <input type=”text” token=”search_input”> <label>Search for field here:</label> </input> </fieldset> <row> <panel> <title>Dashboards</title> <single> <search> <query>| […]

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List All Splunk Users & Associated Roles

The following Splunk query will show a table of all users and their roles: | rest /services/authentication/users | stats values(roles) as Roles by user *Admin Notes* I’ve found the following query to work better in my environment: | rest /services/authentication/users | stats values(roles) as Roles by title

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Dashboard and App views by user

This Splunk query / search shows historical access to dashboards and apps on a local splunk server. index=_internal sourcetype=splunk_web_access host=* user=* | rex field=uri_path “.*/(?<title>[^/]*)$” | join title [| rest /servicesNS/-/-/data/ui/views splunk_server=* | search isDashboard=1 isVisible=1 | rename eai:acl.app as app | fields title app ] | rename title as dashboard | stats count by […]

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REST API response time

This is a Splunk query to measure REST API response time from the various rest URI’s in Splunk. index=_internal sourcetype=splunkd_access source=*splunkd_access.log | rex “- – – (?P<Response_Time>.*)” | rex “\”(?<REST_uri>[^\”]+)” | table _time, REST_uri, Response_Time Credit goes to somesoni2 on answers.splunk.com! Query found here: https://answers.splunk.com/answers/112073/splunk-query-to-measure-rest-api-response-time.html

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identify knowledge objects, permissions and extractions

The following will: list all knowledge objects for your SH (or given search peer(s)) each objects name, type, app, permissions, sharing (e.g. global, app, private) and owner if props-extract: the props stanza, props type (e.g if its Inline or Transforms), props sourcetype and props value (e.g. the regex) if transforms-extract: the state (tf_disabled), format (tf_format), tf_fields […]

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Show Splunk User to Role mapping

The following Splunk REST query shows all roles, number of  capabilities, and landing app for each user. | rest /services/authentication/users | eval name=coalesce(realname, title) | stats values(roles) as Role first(defaultApp) as “Landing App” count(capabilities) as “Number of Capabilities” by name

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User Info Dashboard – Using REST

I found this very useful user statistics/information splunk dashboard on www.function1.com/2016/06/rest-easy-with-the-splunk-rest-api. They have additional Splunk REST queries and examples worth checking out! <dashboard>       <label>REST API: access control</label>       <row>         <panel>           <single>             <title>You are</title>             <searchString>| rest /services/authentication/current-context | where NOT username=”splunk-system-user” | fields username</searchString>             <earliestTime>0</earliestTime>             <latestTime/>             <option name=”drilldown”>none</option> […]

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Use REST to gather Index Info

Here is some SPL to get useful information via REST on indexes within your Splunk environment: | REST /services/data/indexes | eval currentDBSizeMB=tostring(currentDBSizeMB, “commas”) | eval totalEventCount=tostring(totalEventCount, “commas”) | eval frozenTimePeriodInHours=(frozenTimePeriodInSecs/60/60) | table title splunk_server currentDBSizeMB frozenTimePeriodInHours maxTime minTime totalEventCount

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List Inputs using REST

As the title says. Pretty nice Splunk Search if you’ve forgotten what inputs you have configured and need a central place to list them. | rest /services/data/inputs/all | convert ctime(starttime) AS “Start Time”  | convert ctime(endtime) AS “End Time” | table index interval source sourcetype title updated starttime endtime “Start Time” “End Time”

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REST Call for Memory & CPU usage on Splunk Servers

This Splunk search will show you use and available CPU and Memory statistics. Depending on your environment you may see multiple Splunk servers: | rest /services/server/status/resource-usage/hostwide | eval cpu_count = if(isnull(cpu_count), “N/A”, cpu_count) | eval cpu_usage = cpu_system_pct + cpu_user_pct | eval mem_used_pct = round(mem_used / mem * 100 , 2) | eval mem_used = […]

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