Description: This query helps you to see all new connections between servers. Still work in progress and can be extended further. “White-listing” happens through the lookup files. Query: index=nfw “Allow” | rex (?:SrcIP.*\b(?<SrcIP>\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+).*DstIP.*\b(?<DstIP>\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+)) | stats count min(_time) AS earliest max(_time) AS maxtime BY SrcIP, DstIP | where earliest>relative_time(now(), “-1d@d”) AND count<=1 | search DstIP= AND […]
Investigate an IP through Palo Alto Logs
index= <your palo alto index> <IP you want to investigate> |stats c sum(bytes) as Bytes_Out by _time user application action dest_ip dest_location src_ip client_ip client_location session_end_reason “app:able_to_transfer_file” “app:has_known_vulnerability” “app:prone_to_misuse” “app:used_by_malware” “app:evasive” |fields + _time user application action dest_ip dest_location client_ip client_location Bytes_Out session_end_reason “app:able_to_transfer_file” “app:has_known_vulnerability” “app:prone_to_misuse” “app:used_by_malware” “app:evasive” |rename client_ip as SourceIP |fields – user […]
Compare Successful Internal Vs External Connections
This query will display a bar chart of all successful Internal vs External SSH connections. Useful for identifying any spikes in connectivity coming from within your network remit or outside of it. Simply change the CIDR matches to match your required LANs. “sshd” AND “Accepted password” | rex “[a-zA-z]{3}\s\d+\s\d+:\d+:\d+\s[a-zA-Z0-9-.]*\s[a-zA-z]{3}\s\d+\s\d+:\d+:\d+\s(?<hostname>.*)\ssshd\[\d+\]:\sAccepted\spassword\sfor\s(?<username>.*)\sfrom\s(?<sourceip>.*)\sport\s(?<sourceport>.*)\sssh2” | eval network=case(cidrmatch(“″, sourceip),”Internal”, cidrmatch(“″,sourceip),”Internal”, […]