Dashboard with 3 separate columns which allow you to drill into 3 separate assets to find out who was logged on, when they logged on, and how they logged on. Accounts for remote logins, local logins, and unlocks/reconnects accounted for but not Type 3 (network logons for shared file access etc). Time picker set so […]
Detect Username Guessing Brute Force Attacks
The below will detect a form of brute force which most will miss. Whereas other scripts detect multiple logins against a single account, they fail to detect 4 failed logins against 40 accounts. This first checks for all accounts having an account login failure of 4 or more, it then checks for the quantity of […]
Compare Successful Internal Vs External Connections
This query will display a bar chart of all successful Internal vs External SSH connections. Useful for identifying any spikes in connectivity coming from within your network remit or outside of it. Simply change the CIDR matches to match your required LANs. “sshd” AND “Accepted password” | rex “[a-zA-z]{3}\s\d+\s\d+:\d+:\d+\s[a-zA-Z0-9-.]*\s[a-zA-z]{3}\s\d+\s\d+:\d+:\d+\s(?<hostname>.*)\ssshd\[\d+\]:\sAccepted\spassword\sfor\s(?<username>.*)\sfrom\s(?<sourceip>.*)\sport\s(?<sourceport>.*)\sssh2” | eval network=case(cidrmatch(“″, sourceip),”Internal”, cidrmatch(“″,sourceip),”Internal”, […]
Top Offending SSH Failure by Source IP
This displays a list of failed attempts against each connecting IP. Can be used to detect brute force from a particular source IP. You can then put a block up via ACL or whatever method you chose to mitigate the issue. The NOT clause on the first line ignore all attempts to logon to “invalid […]