Detailed User Activity

index=_* search=* user=* user!=- user!=splunk-system-user | rex field=search max_match=0 “index\s*=[\s\”]*(?<idx1>.*?)[\|\s\”\)]” | rex field=search max_match=0 “[\+\(|\+]index\%3D(?<idx2>.*?)[\+|\)\+]” | eval idx=if(isnull(idx1), idx2, idx1) | eval frequency=if(source=”/opt/splunk/var/log/splunk/splunkd_access.log”, “scheduled”, “ad-hoc”) | eval type=if(match(search, “summary*”), “summary”, type1) | eval idx=if(isnull(idx), “NONE”, idx) | eval end_type=if(frequency=”ad-hoc”, “ad-hoc”, type) | rename end_type as type | table _time frequency type source user idx search […]

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Who’s Using Splunk?

I often get asked how much a certain dashboard gets looked at, or how many times a user looks at a specific app. I wrote this quick query to answer that question. index=_internal sourcetype=”splunk_web_access” method=”GET” status=”200″ | stats count as count by user, view | appendpipe [stats sum(count) as count by user | eval view […]

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Find unused dashboards

Use this search to find unused dashboards: | rest /servicesNS/-/-/data/ui/views splunk_server=* | search isDashboard=1 | rename as app | fields title app | join type=left title [| search index=_internal sourcetype=splunk_web_access host=* user=* | rex field=uri_path “.*/(?<title>[^/]*)$” | stats latest(_time) as Time latest(user) as user by title ] | where isnotnull(Time) | eval Now=now() | […]

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skipped searches and why

Quickly identify high amounts of skipped searches in your cluster or standalone SH(s): index = _internal skipped sourcetype=scheduler status=skipped host=[your splunk SH(s)] | stats count by app search_type reason savedsearch_name | sort -count Adjust “[your splunk SH(s)]” to the SH(s) you want to check obviously ;)

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find blocking queues

Blocked queues are (obviously) bad for your environment so here a search to identify those: index=_internal sourcetype=splunkd group=queue (name=parsingQueue OR name=indexqueue OR name=tcpin_queue OR name=aggqueue) | eval is_blocked=if(blocked==”true”,1,0), host_queue=host.” – “.name | stats sparkline sum(is_blocked) as blocked,count by host_queue | eval blocked_ratio=round(blocked/count*100,2) | sort 20 -blocked_ratio | eval requires_attention=case(blocked_ratio>50.0,”fix highly recommended!”,blocked_ratio>40.0,”you better check..”,blocked_ratio>20.0,”usually no need […]

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Apache Traffic Dashboard

Description: The following Dashboard is what I use to monitor traffic to GoSplunk. It uses the built in sourcetype of access_combined. No additional add-on’s or TA’s are required. I replaced my index with index=* so it’ll work out of the box. You’ll want to change this to your index for best practices. *UPDATE – 2019/05/29* […]

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Check your strftime is correct in the props.conf

A simple method on checking if your strftime (TIME_FORMAT=) in the props.conf matches your log file timestamp format. strftime(X,Y) This function takes a UNIX time value, X, as the first argument and renders the time as a string using the format specified by Y. The UNIX time must be in seconds. Use the first 10 […]

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List all ES Correlation Searches

| rest splunk_server=local count=0 /services/saved/searches | where match(‘action.correlationsearch.enabled’, “1|[Tt]|[Tt][Rr][Uu][Ee]”) | rex field=action.customsearchbuilder.spec “datamodel\\\”:\s+\\\”(?<Data_Model>\w+)” | rex field=action.customsearchbuilder.spec “object\\\”:\s+\\\”(?<Dataset>\w+)” | rename action.correlationsearch.label as Search_Name title as Rule_Name as Application_Context request.ui_dispatch_app as UI_Dispatch_Context description as Description Data_Model as Guided_Mode:Data_Model Dataset as Guided_Mode:Dataset action.customsearchbuilder.enabled as Guided_Mode action.customsearchbuilder.spec as Guided_Mode:Search_Logic search as Search dispatch.earliest_time as Earliest_Time dispatch.latest_time as Latest_Time […]

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Windows service activity & MSI installs

Here is a dashboard I built to help you understand the activity of services and MSI installs within a Windows machine.  This dashboard utilizes Post Processing so there is only 2 searches that are launched when the dashboard is loaded to minimize impact on search queuing. Add-on’s: Splunk Add-on for Microsoft Windows – Video overview […]

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Simple File Integrity Monitoring Management Dashboard

This is the code for my original reddit post at This dashboard allows users to manage simple File Integrity Monitoring (FIM) within Splunk. Please note that this isn’t a full FIM suite as it only validates if a checksum has been changed on a file, but I have included a simple TA for Linux. However, if you […]

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Auditd hosts in all environments

Shows the login activity to our linux environments, sudo commands per host and users. Admin Notes: index=main was changed to index=* due to not everyone using the same index. This dashboard has been tested for code errors, but not for search errors. Please comment if you have any issues!   <form> <label>Audit All Hosts</label> <fieldset submitButton=”false”> […]

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Searching Your Searches

Below is the raw XML of a dashboard we wrote about on our blog a couple of months ago. Click here to read that blog, or copy/paste this XML in your Splunk instance! <form theme=”dark”> <label>Searching for Searches</label> <fieldset submitButton=”true”> <input type=”text” token=”search_input”> <label>Search for field here:</label> </input> </fieldset> <row> <panel> <title>Dashboards</title> <single> <search> <query>| […]

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High Level Windows Dashboard

Part 1 – User Logon Activity The following Splunk Dashboard provides a high level view of windows user logon activity. It should be emphasized that the focus of this dashboard is fairly high level, has a time picker (defaulting to 7 days) and shows both successful and failed user logons (table and timechart) as well […]

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