ESCU Update Tracking


Splunk Threat Research team (STRT) does a good job at keeping up with new analytics. However, for smaller deployments it can be difficult to sort through what is applicable and/or what has changed when these new versions are available. They have a solution for a larger organization to be able to track and test changes when they become available, but in smaller orgs, the ability to manage and maintain another tool is cumbersome. I use this dashboard, which can go in any app, to track the changes when we get around to deploying an updated version. There are two editions of this dashboard available. The first is for folks who are not using Enterprise Security, and this one does not track notable actions. The second one does.

These work off an embedded csv generating query (under ‘Overview’ in the Guidance panel). To make this dashboard work, run this twice. Once before and once after pushing the update. Then select as the first source csv the earlier of those two, then the post update as the ‘csv to compare’. Hit submit and wha-la! There’s your deltas between

the two versions.

These also can serve as a backup of your saved searches/correlation searches.

<form version="1.2">
<label>ES Content Update Change Tracking</label>
<!--Created by James Callahan 3 Feb 2024-->
<description>Used to identify changes to available searches between updates</description>
<set token="title_tok">*</set>
<search id="escu_base">
| inputlookup $source_tokM1$
| search title="*Rule"
| append
[| inputlookup $source_tokM2$
| search title="*Rule"
]| where NOT match(title, "($exclude$)")

| stats
first(description) as first_description first(disabled) as first_disabled
first(modification_date) as first_modification_date first(search) as first_search
last(description) as last_description last(disabled) as last_disabled last(modification_date) as last_modification_date last(search) as last_search dc(description) as description_c dc(disabled) as disabled_c
dc(modification_date) as modification_date_c dc(search) as search_c
count by title

| search (description_c&gt;1 OR disabled_c&gt;1 OR modification_date_c&gt;1 OR search_c&gt;1 OR count=1)
| table count title first_modification_date last_modification_date modification_date_c first_description last_description description_c first_disabled last_disabled disabled_c first_search last_search search_c
| eval changed=case(disabled_c=2, "Disabled/Enabled State",search_c=2, "Search", description_c=2, "Description", modification_date_c=2,"Modifiction Date", count=1, "Added/Removed")
| eval status=if(last_disabled=0,"Enabled", "Disabled")
| search $chngd$
<fieldset submitButton="true">
<input type="dropdown" token="source_tokM1">
<label>select first source csv</label>
<search id="csvSel">
| rest /services/data/lookup-table-files
| search title="*ESCU*ver*"
| rex field=title "ESCU\_(?&lt;dtg&gt;.*)\_ESCU_ver\_(?&lt;ver&gt;.*)\.csv"
| eval timesort=strptime(dtg, "%H:%M_%d-%b-%Y")
| sort - timesort
| table timesort dtg ver title eai:userName
| eval file_choice=(ver+" from "+dtg)
<input type="dropdown" token="source_tokM2">
<label>select a source csv to compare</label>
<search base="csvSel">
<input type="text" token="exclude" searchWhenChanged="true">
<label>Title Exclude (Pipe Seperated |)</label>
<input type="dropdown" token="chngd" searchWhenChanged="true">
<label>Only these changes</label>
<choice value="&quot;Search&quot;">Search</choice>
<choice value="&quot;Added/Removed&quot;">Added/Removed</choice>
<!-- <choice value="&quot;Creation Date&quot;">Creation Date</choice> -->
<choice value="&quot;Description&quot;">Description</choice>
<choice value="&quot;Disabled/Enabled State&quot;">Disabled/Enabled State</choice>
<choice value="*">All</choice>
<prefix>changed IN(</prefix>
<input type="radio" token="reset_tok" searchWhenChanged="true" id="radiosample">
<label>Title Token Reset</label>
<choice value="retain">keep</choice>
<choice value="reset">reset</choice>
<condition value="reset">
<set token="title_tok">*</set>
<set token="reset_tok">retain</set>

<b>Dashboard Info/Guidance</b>
<summary>Overview - Getting Started</summary>
<p>This dashboard provides a way to review what has changed between Versions
(or just do a back up) of Enterprise Security Content Update. </p>
<P>The query linked below will use the rest interface and generate a
CSV file with all the Saved Searches on the system. </P>
<p> The below panels will then present the differences between the two .csv files selected above. In the 'Details' panel, a 1 in the Count field means it is new, or removed. The other fields with "[field] Count" stand for distinct count of that field; these will be either 2 or 1. This means the field Changed, or didn't change. </p>
<b>In order to get this to work properly</b>, you should run the below
linked query twice - once before and once after applying the update. Running it
just before applying the update will make sure you've captured any changes made
since the last time the query was run.</P>

<a class="btn default edit-cancel" href="./search?earliest=1517461200&amp;latest=1712203200&amp;q=%7C%20rest%20%2Fservices%2Fsaved%2Fsearches%20splunk_server%3Dlocal%20count%3D0%0A%7C%20rename%20%22action.escu.creation_date%22%20as%20creation_date%2C%20action.escu.modification_date%20AS%20modification_date%0A%7C%20eval%20datesort%3Dstrptime(creation_date%2C%20%22%25Y-%25m-%25d%22)%2Cmodsort%3Dstrptime(modification_date%2C%22%25Y-%25m-%25d%22) )%20%0A%7C%20eval%20filename%3D%22ESCU_%22%2Bnowers%2B%22_ESCU_ver_%22%2Bversion%2B%22.csv%22%0A%20%20%20%20%7C%20return%20%24filename%5D%60%60%60" target="_blank">Open CSV Generating Query In New Tab</a> <br/>
<a href="/manager/search/data/lookup-table-files?search=ESCU_v" target="_blank">Manage the csv files</a>
Open csv file in new tab: |inputlookup <a href="./search?q=%7C%20inputlookup%20$source_tokM1$" target="_blank">$source_tokM1$</a> or second file: |inputlookup <a href="./search?q=%7C%20inputlookup%20$source_tokM2$" target="_blank">$source_tokM2$</a>

<p>Select the available source file descriptions you want to compare. The analytics will run on Submit.</p>
<p>Not all Searches may be appropriate - use "Title Exclude" to bulk exclude some searches based on a term in the title. Multiple terms should be pipe (|) seperated. Don't use Azure? Exclude those here. Don't use Azure, AWS or Office 365? Use the pipe to seperate the exclude terms: "Azure|O365|AWS" etc.</p>
<p>Specific types of changes can be filtered for with "Only these changes"</p>
<p>You can filter the "Details" panel by clicking on a title in the "Rollup" panel. After you've selected one, you can directly select a different one from the "Rollup" OR reset to all titles using the Title Token Reset radio button. </p>


#radiosample div[data-test="radio-list"]{
display: inline;

#radiosample div[data-test="option"]{
display: inline;
margin-top: 0px;
margin-right: 10px;
margin-bottom: 0px;
margin-left: 0px
#radiosample {

<title>Change Tracking (filtered from Exclude above) |$source_tokM1$ and $source_tokM2$</title>
<search base="rollup_base">
| stats count(eval(status="Enabled")) as "Changes to Enabled",count(eval(status="Disabled")) as "Changes to Disabled", count(eval(changed="Search")) as "Search Changed",count(eval(changed="Description")) as "Description Changed",count(eval(changed="Disabled/Enabled State")) as "State Changed",count(eval(changed="Added/Removed")) as "Added/Removed" dc(title) as "Total Searches with Delta"
<option name="count">1</option>
<option name="dataOverlayMode">none</option>
<option name="drilldown">none</option>
<option name="percentagesRow">false</option>
<option name="rowNumbers">false</option>
<option name="totalsRow">false</option>
<option name="wrap">true</option>
<title>Click a row below to filter the details panel for that specific title</title>
<search base="escu_base" id="rollup_base">
|table title status changed
<option name="count">20</option>
<option name="dataOverlayMode">none</option>
<option name="drilldown">cell</option>
<option name="percentagesRow">false</option>
<option name="rowNumbers">false</option>
<option name="totalsRow">false</option>
<option name="wrap">true</option>
<set token="title_tok">$row.title$</set>
<unset token="reset"></unset>
<set token="reset_tok">$retain$</set>
<search base="escu_base">

|search title="$title_tok$"

| rename first_modification_date as "Orig Mod Date", last_modification_date as "Updated Mod Date", modification_date_c as "Mod Date Count",
first_description as "Orig Descrption", last_description as "Updated Description", description_c as "Desctiption Count",
first_disabled AS "Orig Disabled Status", last_disabled as "Updated Disabled Status", disabled_c as "Disabled Status Count"
first_search AS "Orig Search", last_search as "Updated Search", search_c AS "Search Count",
status AS Status, changed AS Changed, count AS Count, title AS Title

<option name="count">20</option>
<option name="dataOverlayMode">none</option>
<option name="drilldown">none</option>
<option name="percentagesRow">false</option>
<option name="rowNumbers">false</option>
<option name="totalsRow">false</option>
<option name="wrap">true</option>
<format type="color" field="Count">
<colorPalette type="list">[#F8BE34,#FFFFFF]</colorPalette>
<scale type="threshold">2</scale>
<format type="color" field="creation_date_c">
<colorPalette type="list">[#FFFFFF,#F8BE34]</colorPalette>
<scale type="threshold">2</scale>
<format type="color" field="Mod Date Count">
<colorPalette type="list">[#FFFFFF,#F8BE34]</colorPalette>
<scale type="threshold">2</scale>
<format type="color" field="Desctiption Count">
<colorPalette type="list">[#FFFFFF,#F8BE34]</colorPalette>
<scale type="threshold">2</scale>
<format type="color" field="Disabled Status Count">
<colorPalette type="list">[#FFFFFF,#F8BE34]</colorPalette>
<scale type="threshold">2</scale>
<format type="color" field="Search Count">
<colorPalette type="list">[#FFFFFF,#F8BE34]</colorPalette>
<scale type="threshold">2</scale>
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