Want to show what apps have been deployed to forwarders from a deployment server (DS)? Try this Splunk Search: index=_internal sourcetype=splunkd component=DeployedApplication installing | stats count latest(_time) AS latest_time by host app | convert ctime(latest_time)
List of Forwarders that are Deployment Clients
Need a list of Forwarders that are talking to a Deployment Server? Try this: index=_internal sourcetype=splunkd component=DC* Handshake | stats count by host Additional REST query (performed on the DS) will return desired results (Thanks to Lyx for pointing this out!): | rest /services/deployment/server/clients splunk_server=local | table hostname applications.*.serverclasses | untable hostname, applications, serverclass | […]
Number of Hosts Associated with a Serverclass
The following query will list the number of hosts associated with all serverclasses on your Splunk Deployment server. This query should be run on your Deployment Server. | rest /services/deployment/server/clients splunk_server=local | table hostname applications.*.serverclasses | untable hostname applications | rex field=applications “applications\.(?<apps>.+)\.serverclasses” | stats dc(hostname) as hostname by apps