Use TSTATS to find hosts no longer sending data

This is a simple tstats query shows all hosts and sourcetypes that have reported data, and shows the time in seconds since anything was sent. Be sure to run the query over a lengthy period of time in order to include machines that haven’t sent data for sometime. Don’t worry about the search-time so much, […]

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Number of Hosts Associated with a Serverclass

The following query will list the number of hosts associated with all serverclasses on your Splunk Deployment server. This query should be run on your Deployment Server. | rest /services/deployment/server/clients splunk_server=local | table hostname applications.*.serverclasses | untable hostname applications | rex field=applications “applications\.(?<apps>.+)\.serverclasses” | stats dc(hostname) as hostname by apps

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Failed Logon Attempts – Windows

The following Splunk query will show a timechart of failed logon attempts per host: source=”WinEventLog:security” EventCode=4625 | timechart span=1h count by host The following Splunk query will show a detailed table of failed logon attempts per host and user with 5 minute chunks/blocks of time, as well as show a sparkline (mini timechart) within the […]

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Show Searches with Details (Who | When | What)

The following Splunk search will show a list of searches ran on a splunk server with the following details: Who ran the search What sourcetype was used What index was used What the search string was When the search was last ran index=_audit action=search sourcetype=audittrail search_id=* NOT (user=splunk-system-user) search!=”‘typeahead*” | rex “search\=\'(search|\s+)\s(?P<search>[\n\S\s]+?(?=\’))” | rex field=search […]

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Forwarder TCP Connections info

This search should help identify which forwarders are connected and give you more information on the forwarders. index=”_internal” sourcetype=”splunkd” source=”*metrics.lo*” group=tcpin_connections component=Metrics | eval sourceHost=if(isnull(hostname), sourceHost,hostname) | eval connectionType=case(fwdType==”uf”,”universal forwarder”, fwdType==”lwf”, “lightweight forwarder”,fwdType==”full”, “heavy forwarder”, connectionType==”cooked” or connectionType==”cookedSSL”,”Splunk forwarder”, connectionType==”raw” or connectionType==”rawSSL”,”legacy forwarder”) | eval version=if(isnull(version),”pre 4.2″,version) | eval guid=if(isnull(guid),sourceHost,guid) | eval os=if(isnull(os),”n/a”,os)| eval arch=if(isnull(arch),”n/a”,arch) […]

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List All Splunk Users & Associated Roles

The following Splunk query will show a table of all users and their roles: | rest /services/authentication/users | stats values(roles) as Roles by user *Admin Notes* I’ve found the following query to work better in my environment: | rest /services/authentication/users | stats values(roles) as Roles by title

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Dashboard and App views by user

This Splunk query / search shows historical access to dashboards and apps on a local splunk server. index=_internal sourcetype=splunk_web_access host=* user=* | rex field=uri_path “.*/(?<title>[^/]*)$” | join title [| rest /servicesNS/-/-/data/ui/views splunk_server=* | search isDashboard=1 isVisible=1 | rename as app | fields title app ] | rename title as dashboard | stats count by […]

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Show how much disk space is used by _internal

The following Splunk query will return disk space used by the _internal index. index=_internal source=*license_usage.log type=Usage | eval gb=b/1024/1024/1024 | timechart span=1d sum(gb) as GB by host useother=false | untable _time host gb | top limit=1 host | join time [ search index=_internal source=*license_usage.log type=Usage | eval gb=b/1024/1024/1024 | timechart span=1d sum(gb) as GB by […]

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REST API response time

This is a Splunk query to measure REST API response time from the various rest URI’s in Splunk. index=_internal sourcetype=splunkd_access source=*splunkd_access.log | rex “- – – (?P<Response_Time>.*)” | rex “\”(?<REST_uri>[^\”]+)” | table _time, REST_uri, Response_Time Credit goes to somesoni2 on! Query found here:

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List of all enabled correlation rules that generate a notable

| rest splunk_server=local count=0 /services/saved/searches | search action.notable=”1″ is_scheduled=”1″ disabled=”0″     `comment(“PERFORM A REST COMMAND ON SAVED SEARCHES WHERE THE SEARCH GENERATES A NOTABLE, IS SCHEDULED AND IS NOT DISABLED”)` | table title action.notable.param.security_domain description search cron_schedule actions action.notable.param.severity alert.suppress.fields alert.suppress.period action.notable.param.next_steps action.notable.param.rule_description action.risk.param._risk_score      `comment(“TABLE FIELDS”)`

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User Logon, Logoff, and Duration

Tweaked wenthold response to include more EventCodes. Also depending on the environment EventCode 4800|4801|4802 which is screen lock may be the closest thing to getting a log off time. > original post on splunk answers: source=”wineventlog:security” action=success Logon_Type=2 (EventCode=4624 OR EventCode=4634 OR EventCode=4779 OR EventCode=4800 OR EventCode=4801 OR EventCode=4802 OR EventCode=4803 OR EventCode=4804 ) user!=”anonymous logon” […]

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Universal Forwarder Splunk Versions

Returns the version of Splunk Universal Forwarders in an environment via _internal logs. index=_internal sourcetype=splunkd group=tcpin_connections version=* os=* arch=* build=* hostname=* source=*metrics.log | stats latest(version) as version,latest(arch) as arch,latest(os) as os,latest(build) as build by hostname | join hostname [ | metadata type=hosts index=* | eval last_seen_hours=(now()-lastTime)/60/60 | table host, last_seen_hours | rex field=host “(?<hostname>[^\.]+)” | […]

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identify knowledge objects, permissions and extractions

The following will: list all knowledge objects for your SH (or given search peer(s)) each objects name, type, app, permissions, sharing (e.g. global, app, private) and owner if props-extract: the props stanza, props type (e.g if its Inline or Transforms), props sourcetype and props value (e.g. the regex) if transforms-extract: the state (tf_disabled), format (tf_format), tf_fields […]

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