Count of Unique Hosts in Linux

The following splunk query example will return a unique count of hosts in a given time range *NOTE* if the host field is being autoextracted (for instance if you are using a universal forwarder) you will not need the regex command and can call upon the auto extracted fieldname of “host” sourcetype=linux_secure |rex “.*:\d{2}\s(?<hostname>\S+)” | […]

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List of Hosts in a Linux Environment

The following splunk query example will return a list of hosts by hostname in a given time range. *NOTE* if the host field is being autoextracted (for instance if you are using a universal forwarder) you will not need the regex command and can call upon the auto extracted fieldname of “host” sourcetype=linux_secure |rex “.*:\d{2}\s(?<hostname>\S+)” […]

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Removal of USB Storage Device

This query will detect if any USB storage device was removed from a Windows machine (confirmed on Windows 7). sourcetype=WinRegistry key_path=”HKLM\\system\\controlset*\\enum\\usbstor\\*”  process_image=”c:\\Windows\\System32\\svchost.exe”  registry_type=DeleteKey | eval Date=strftime(_time, “%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S”) | rex “key_path.*usbstor\S(?<DeviceType>.*)&ven\S(?<Vendor>.*)&prod\S(?<Product>\S*)&rev\S” | stats count by Date, host, Vendor, Product, DeviceType   | fields  – count   | sort  – Date

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Account Enabled in Windows

The following Splunk queries will show any accounts that have been enabled from a previously disabled state. Ensure the Splunk App for Windows is installed grab it here: Windows Server 2008 and Newer: sourcetype=WinEventLog:Security (EventCode=4722) | eval Date=strftime(_time, “%Y/%m/%d”) |rex “ID:\s+\w+\\\(?<sourceaccount>\S+)\s+” | rex “Account:\s+Security\sID:\s+\w+\\\(?<targetaccount>\S+)\s+” | stats count by Date, sourceaccount, targetaccount, Keywords, host | rename […]

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Failed Attempt to Initiate Remote Desktop Session

This splunk query will return any failed attempts initiated by users to launch an RDP (remote desktop) session in a Windows environment. Ensure the Splunk App for Windows is installed grab it here: Windows Server 2008 and Newer: source=WinEventLog:Security sourcetype=WinEventLog:security Logon_Type=10 EventCode=4625 | eval Date=strftime(_time, “%Y/%m/%d”) | rex “Failed:\s+.*\s+Account\sName:\s+(?<TargetAccount>\S+)\s” | stats count by Date, TargetAccount, […]

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Start a Windows Service

This Splunk Query will return results for any Windows Service that has started. Ensure the Splunk App for Windows is installed grab it here: sourcetype=WinEventLog:Application EventCode=105 | eval Date=strftime(_time, “%Y/%m/%d”) | stats count by Date, SourceName, host | sort – Date | fields – count

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Shutdown or Suspend a Service in Windows

This splunk query will return results for any Windows Service that has been stopped. Ensure the Splunk App for Windows is installed grab it here: sourcetype=WinEventLog:Application EventCode=108 | eval Date=strftime(_time, “%Y/%m/%d”) | stats count by Date, SourceName, host | sort – Date | fields – count

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Password Non Compliance Windows

The following splunk queries will return results for failed attempts to change passwords. This is likely a result of users not meeting password requirements. Be sure to have the Splunk App for Windows is installed grab it here: Windows 2003 and Older: sourcetype=”WinEventLog:Security” EventCode=627 Type=”Failure Audit”| eval Date=strftime(_time, “%Y/%m/%d”) | stats count by Date, Target_Account_Name, host […]

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Modification to File Permissions in Windows

The following splunk query works on Windows Sever 2008 and newer operating systems. It returns results based on modifications to individual file level permissions. Ensure the Splunk App for Windows is installed grab it here: source=”WinEventLog:Security” sourcetype=”WinEventLog:Security” EventCode=4670 (Security_ID!=”NT AUTHORITY*”) (Security_ID!=”S-*”)| eval Date=strftime(_time, “%Y/%m/%d”) | stats count by Date, Account_Name, Process_Name, Keywords, host | sort […]

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File Deletion Attempts In Windows

The following splunk queries will return results based on any user account who attempts to delete a file. This will return both successful and failed attempts. Ensure the Splunk App for Windows is installed grab it here: Windows 2003 and older: sourcetype=”WinEventLog:Security” EventCode=564 |eval Date=strftime(_time, “%Y/%m/%d”) | stats count by Date, Image_File_Name, Type, host | […]

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Windows File Access Attempts

The following splunk queries will display any file access attempts (successful or failed) by user account. Ensure the Splunk App for Windows is installed grab it here: Windows 2003 and older: sourcetype=”WinEventLog:Security” EventCode=560 Object_Type=File | eval Date=strftime(_time, “%Y/%m/%d”) |eval UserName=coalesce(Primary_User_Name, Client_User_Name)| search UserName!=”*$” AND UserName!=”NETWORK SERVICE”| stats count by Date, Image_File_Name, UserName, Type, host | […]

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New Service Installation on Windows

The following splunk query will return results of all new services installed on windows machines (this works on any windows OS tested thus far). Ensure the Splunk App for Windows is installed grab it here:  sourcetype=WinEventLog:Security (EventCode=4697 OR EventCode=601) | eval Date=strftime(_time, “%Y/%m/%d”) | eval Status=coalesce(Keywords,Type) |stats count by Date, Service_Name, Service_File_Name, Service_Account, host, Status

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Changes to Windows User Groups by Account

This splunk query will return changes to any group in a windows environment. You MUST have the Splunk App for Windows Infrastructure app installed located here: Windows Server 2003 and older: sourcetype=WinEventLog:Security (EventCode=636 OR EventCode=632 OR EventCode=650 OR EventCode=655 OR EventCode=660 OR EventCode=665) | eval Date=strftime(_time, “%Y/%m/%d”) | stats count by Date, Caller_User_Name, Target_Account_Name, host, Type […]

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