The following Splunk Search (query) is for Qualys and will show hosts that have not been scanned in 30 days or more. This query assumes that your index is defined as qualys. index=qualys HOSTVULN earliest=-30d@d STATUS=”RE-OPENED” | dedup HOST_ID, QID sortby +_time | join HOST_ID [ search index=qualys HOSTSUMMARY OS=”Windows*” NOT “Windows Server*” | where […]
Qualys 30 Day trending of Re-Opened Vulnerabilities
The following Splunk Search (query) is for Qualys and will show a trending over 30 days for re-opened vulnerabilities. This query assumes that your index is defined as qualys. index=qualys HOSTVULN earliest=-30d@d STATUS=”RE-OPENED” | dedup HOST_ID, QID sortby +_time | join HOST_ID [ search index=qualys HOSTSUMMARY OS=”Windows*” NOT “Windows Server*” | where cidrmatch(“”, IP) ] […]
Qualys Top 10 Vulnerabilities by Severity
The following Splunk Search (query) is for Qualys and will show the top 10 vulnerabilities by severity as well as a Count of Devices. sourcetype=qualys_vm_detection HOSTVULN SEVERITY=3 OR 4 OR 5 TYPE=”CONFIRMED” earliest=-30d@d| dedup HOST_ID, QID | search STATUS!=”FIXED” | join QID [ search sourcetype=qualys_knowledgebase PATCHABLE=1 ] | eval Published=strftime(strptime(PUBLISHED_DATETIME, “%Y-%m-%d”), “%m/%d/%Y”) | join HOST_ID […]
Qualys Active OS Vuln Count
The following Splunk Search (query) is for Qualys and will show vulnerability count for Windows Hosts. This query assumes that your index is defined as qualys. index=qualys HOSTVULN SEVERITY=3 OR 4 OR 5 TYPE=”CONFIRMED” earliest=-30d@d | dedup HOST_ID, QID | search STATUS!=”FIXED” | join QID [ search index=qualys QID_INFO PATCHABLE=1] | join HOST_ID [ search […]
Splunk User Search Activity
This will return a table of users who conducted searches, the total time it took for searches to complete, a count of said searches, and the last time a search was conducted. *NOTE* You will need to modify “splunk_server=local” specifically the “local” section to represent your Splunk server. index=_audit splunk_server=local action=search (id=* OR search_id=*) | […]
List of Login Attempts to Splunk
This will return a list of users who attempted to login to the splunk searchhead. It will list both successful attempts and failed attempts. index=_audit tag=authentication | stats count by user, info | sort – info
Internal Splunk User Modifications
This query will search the internal audit sourcetype of splunk and report on any user modification attempts, both success and fail. index=_audit sourcetype=audittrail action=edit_user | eval Date=strftime(_time, “%Y/%m/%d”) |where user!=object| stats count by user, info, object, Date | rename user as “Authenticated User” | rename info as “Success Status” | rename object as “Modified Account” […]