High Level Windows Dashboard

Part 1 – User Logon Activity The following Splunk Dashboard provides a high level view of windows user logon activity. It should be emphasized that the focus of this dashboard is fairly high level, has a time picker (defaulting to 7 days) and shows both successful and failed user logons (table and timechart) as well […]

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Zerologon Detection (CVE-2020-1472)

Primary Search for Local Domain Controller Exploitation by Zerologon index=”<windows_index>” (sourcetype=”<windows_sourcetype_security>” OR source=”windows_source_security”) EventCode=”4742″ OR EventCode=”4624″ AND (src_user=”*anonymous*” OR member_id=”*S-1-0*”) `comment(“This looks for all 4624 and 4742 events under an ‘ANONYMOUS USER’, which are tied to the exploitation of Zerologon”)` | eval local_system=mvindex(upper(split(user,”$”)),0) `comment(“This effectively splits the user field, which when parsed with the TA […]

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Dashboard sourcetype validation

Wanted a dashboard supporting checks on a sourcetype to see at the same time: how data where ingested, where and get an overview of samples and fields summary what is the stanza configuration (following the 9-step sequence) this dashboard uses internal rest API (| rest) before running dashboard a lookup table (CSV) and a lookup […]

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Splunk dashboard that displays User searches

Built this dashboard to give a high level overview of user search activity.  The search powering the dashboard is looking that the _audit index and you will need to ensure that you have proper access to the internal Splunk indexes. The dashboard includes a TimeRange picker, radio button to include or exclude Splunk’s system user, […]

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F5 BigIP Brute Force and Session Abuse

Multiple Users with Authentications from Singular, non-Whitelisted IP Basically I needed a way to determine if a series of users are connecting from a singular IP. This is particular useful during COVID-19 WFH constraints. The search is intended to look at the VPN index for a new session initiation, excluding all RFC1918 traffic as a […]

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Splunk User Search Activity

This will return a table of users who conducted searches, the total time it took for searches to complete, a count of said searches, and the last time a search was conducted. *NOTE* You will need to modify “splunk_server=local” specifically the “local” section to represent your Splunk server. index=_audit splunk_server=local action=search (id=* OR search_id=*) | […]

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User Logon / Session Duration

The following query will return the duration of user logon time between initial logon and logoff events. I have a duration filter set to greater than 5 seconds to weed out any scripts that may quickly log on and log off (change this as needed to fit your environment). Windows 2008 and newer: source=WinEventLog:Security (EventCode=4624 […]

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See who is using Splunk by user, app and view

########## Admin Notes This query is a modified version of one submitted by tokenwander here: https://gosplunk.com/whos-using-splunk/ ########## index=_internal sourcetype=”splunk_web_access” method=”GET” status=”200″ user!=- | stats count latest(_time) as ViewTime by user app view | sort -count | eventstats sum(count) as countByApp list(view) as view list(count) as count list(ViewTime) as ViewTime by user app | convert timeformat=”%a […]

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Detailed User Activity

index=_* search=* user=* user!=- user!=splunk-system-user | rex field=search max_match=0 “index\s*=[\s\”]*(?<idx1>.*?)[\|\s\”\)]” | rex field=search max_match=0 “[\+\(|\+]index\%3D(?<idx2>.*?)[\+|\)\+]” | eval idx=if(isnull(idx1), idx2, idx1) | eval frequency=if(source=”/opt/splunk/var/log/splunk/splunkd_access.log”, “scheduled”, “ad-hoc”) | eval type=if(match(search, “summary*”), “summary”, type1) | eval idx=if(isnull(idx), “NONE”, idx) | eval end_type=if(frequency=”ad-hoc”, “ad-hoc”, type) | rename end_type as type | table _time frequency type source user idx search […]

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Reports Owned by Admin Users and Writable by Others

  | rest /servicesNS/-/-/saved/searches splunk_server=local | where [|rest /services/authentication/users splunk_server=local | search roles=”admin” |fields title | rename title as author] OR author=”nobody” | rename title AS savedsearch_name, eai:acl.app as app, eai:acl.perms.write as write_roles | table author write_roles splunk_server app savedsearch_name splunk_server | mvexpand write_roles | where NOT write_roles IN(“”,”admin”) | mvcombine write_roles | eval search_name_for_link=savedsearch_name […]

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User Logon, Logoff, and Duration

Tweaked wenthold response to include more EventCodes. Also depending on the environment EventCode 4800|4801|4802 which is screen lock may be the closest thing to getting a log off time. > original post on splunk answers: https://answers.splunk.com/answers/597752/report-for-showing-users-logon-logoff-and-the-dura.html source=”wineventlog:security” action=success Logon_Type=2 (EventCode=4624 OR EventCode=4634 OR EventCode=4779 OR EventCode=4800 OR EventCode=4801 OR EventCode=4802 OR EventCode=4803 OR EventCode=4804 ) user!=”anonymous logon” […]

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Internal Splunk User Modifications

This query will search the internal audit sourcetype of splunk and report on any user modification attempts, both success and fail. index=_audit sourcetype=audittrail action=edit_user | eval Date=strftime(_time, “%Y/%m/%d”) |where user!=object| stats count by user, info, object, Date | rename user as “Authenticated User” | rename info as “Success Status” | rename object as “Modified Account” […]

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Successful Logons to WordPress Admin Area

Ever want more detailed information on authentications to your WordPress Admin Area? This Splunk Query will show detailed information on successful authentications to the wp-admin section of your site: sourcetype=”access_combined” uri=”/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php?_fs_blog_admin=*” | iplocation clientip | stats sparkline latest(_time) as Latest_Date count(status) as count values(status) by uri, Country, Region, City, clientip | convert ctime(Latest_Date) | sort […]

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Show Splunk User to Role mapping

The following Splunk REST query shows all roles, number of  capabilities, and landing app for each user. | rest /services/authentication/users | eval name=coalesce(realname, title) | stats values(roles) as Role first(defaultApp) as “Landing App” count(capabilities) as “Number of Capabilities” by name

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Search Common EventCodes (EventID’s) for Suspicious Behavior

This query searches many common EventCodes (EventID’s) within a Windows environment for suspicious behavior. The query can take some time to run due to it’s length. Excellent for high-level security insight. source=”wineventlog:security” user!=”DWM-*” user!=”UMFD-*” user!=SYSTEM user!=”LOCAL SERVICE” user!=”NETWORK SERVICE” user!=”*$” user!=”ANONYMOUS LOGON” user!=”IUSR” | eval Trigger=case(EventCode=516, “Audit Logs Modified”,EventCode=517, “Audit Logs Modified”,EventCode=612, “Audit Logs Modified”,EventCode=623, […]

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