Average CPU Usage on a Windows box Perfmon:CPU Load SplunkNinja 2 Comments Vote Up +3 Vote Down -2You already voted! This query will return the average CPU usage by minute. sourcetype="Perfmon:CPU Load" | bucket _time span=1m | stats avg(Value) by _time Share This: Tagged: CPUCPU usagePerfmon:CPU Load
splunkguy November 19, 2014 at 11:04 am Be nice to see an example using the perfmonMk sourcetypes – any plan on adding that? Reply
SplunkNinja November 19, 2014 at 9:10 pm Absolutely can be done! Have any queries for that sourcetype you’d like to post to kick it off? :) I’ll dig through some of my queries over the next few days and see what I have on my end as well. Reply
Be nice to see an example using the perfmonMk sourcetypes – any plan on adding that?
Absolutely can be done! Have any queries for that sourcetype you’d like to post to kick it off? :)
I’ll dig through some of my queries over the next few days and see what I have on my end as well.