Average Search Duration

Ever wonder how your search performance is across search heads? Try this query. Depending on your environment you’ll want to specify the host=* section to better represent your environment. Say if you have a naming convention that includes “shc” and a number representing searchheads in a cluster (distributed environment) you can use (host=shc1.fq.dn OR host=shc2.fq.dn […]

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Search for all errors in splunkd

index=_internal sourcetype=”splunkd” log_level=”ERROR” | stats sparkline count dc(host) as hosts last(_raw) as last_raw_msg values(sourcetype) as sourcetype last(_time) as last_msg_time first(_time) as first_msg_time values(index) as index by punct | eval delta=round((first_msg_time-last_msg_time),2) | eval msg_per_sec=round((count/delta),2) | convert ctime(last_msg_time) ctime(first_msg_time) | table last_raw_msg count hosts sparkline msg_per_sec sourcetype index first_msg_time last_msg_time delta | sort -count

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Find queues that are nearly full

Easily find Splunk Instances (both forwarders and full installs) that have queues that are over 80% full! index=_internal group=queue | eval percfull=((current_size_kb/max_size_kb)*100) | search percfull>80 | dedup host, name | table _time host name current_size_kb max_size_kb

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Average Splunk Web requests by hour

This query is pretty awesome! It helped enlighten us to exactly when our splunk infrastructure is being hit with users index=_internal sourcetype=splunk_web_access [ rest / splunk_server=local | fields splunk_server | rename splunk_server as host ] | bin _time span=1d | stats count by date_hour _time | appendpipe [ fields _time | dedup _time | eval […]

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Forwarder Diagnostics – Last time Data Was Received by Index and Sourcetype

The following Splunk query was modified from the Splunk Health Overview app on Splunkbase. This particular Splunk search returns a list of hosts with their indexes and sourcetypes and determines when each last sent data. This query can help diagnose which Splunk Universal Forwarders may be having issues sending data, or simply stopped sending a […]

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Detailed list of Errors Per Host

The following Splunk search will return a detailed list (by message) of errors associated with hosts running a universal forwarder: index=_internal sourcetype=”splunkd” log_level=”ERROR” | stats sparkline count dc(host) as uniqhosts last(message) as message last(_time) as last first(_time) as first by punct  | convert ctime(last) ctime(first) | table message count uniqhosts sparkline first last | sort […]

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Traffic Volume by Forwarder

This Splunk search query will show you the top 10 “chattiest” forwarders on your network. I’ve used this query to determine why some forwarders were sending more data than others. The results are displayed in kilobits, you could use an eval to change it to the appropriate size for your network. index=”_internal” source=”*metrics.lo*” group=tcpin_connections NOT […]

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User Activity in DBConnect

The following Splunk query is for the DBConnect app.  This will return all user activity using this particular app. I’ve provided the regex in the search.   index=_audit sourcetype=audittrail action=”db_connect*” |eval Date=strftime(_time, “%Y/%d/%m”) |rex “user=(?<user>\S+),” | stats count by Date, user, info, action

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How to Check When Splunk is finished Indexing a log file

How can I tell when Splunk is finished indexing a log file? (Credit for this one goes to learnsplunk.com author who originally posted it on his website) By watching  data from splunk’s metrics log in real-time. ************************************************************ index=”_internal” source=”*metrics.log” group=”per_sourcetype_thruput” series=”your_sourcetype_here” | eval MB=kb/1024 | chart sum(MB) ************************************************************ or to watch everything happening split by […]

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Search to show what apps are ready to be updated

| rest splunk_server=local /services/apps/local | search update.version=* | table title version update.version If that Splunk has internet access, it’ll have the update.* fields filled with the latest version if there is an update available for any app installed on that system. The splunk_server filter should be usable for querying search peers as well. Using that […]

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Permissions for splunk users

Another view for which splunk user can do what in your splunk environment | rest /services/authentication/users | mvexpand roles | table realname, title, roles, email | join roles [ rest /services/authorization/roles | rename title as roles | search srchIndexesAllowed=* | table roles srchIndexesAllowed]

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